by Darren Pickett | Nov 21, 2023
The Brogo WTP is a 3.5 MLD plant designed and constructed to treat moderate turbidity and colour contaminated water drawn from Brogo River, with historical water quality median figures of 0.5 NTU; 30 TC HU; 4.2 mg/L DOC. The project delivered: 3.5MLD bespoke designed...
by Darren Pickett | Nov 21, 2023
LC Water won the Terang WTP Fluoride Dosing Plant project with Wannon Water in December 2022 to deliver a Sodium Fluoride powder storage, saturation and dosage system. The project required the delivery of the following scope. A Sodium fluoride storage and...
by Darren Pickett | Sep 5, 2023
LC Water was subcontracted to support the Joint Venture head contractor ICON/CCB Envico to deliver the following: Mechanical installation of all free issued process equipment for this 12MLD sewage treatment plant, including MBBR systems, blowers,...
by Darren Pickett | Oct 19, 2022
Lilydale STP Sand Filter Refurbishment In April 2018, filter cell 1 was rendered inoperable by a rupture of the floor structure, likely due to a build-up of pressure caused by blockages in the pipework lattice and underfloor structure. Filter cells 2, 3 and 4 were...
by Darren Pickett | Sep 19, 2022
The scope of this contract comprised the detailed design, supply, construction/Installation, testing and commissioning of a DAFF (Dissolved Air Floatation and Filtration) unit at the Eildon Waste Management Facility to replace the existing DAF (Dissolved Air...